
Is this legal?

Yes! Syringe access and harm reduction services are protected by law in the state of Colorado. Colorado Health Network is the largest provider of these services statewide, serving people who use drugs across Colorado through community based programs.

Learn more from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment by clicking here


Find more legislative information with the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention by clicking here

Our harm reduction services are only available to those 18 years of age or older.

Syringe Access Factsheet

Explore the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's webpage on Syringe Service Programs (SSPs), also known as Syringe Access Programs (SAPs), or Syringe Exchange Programs (SEPs). Click here to learn more

Explore Safety and Effectiveness of SSPs here

Read through CDC's Syringe Service Programs FAQ here 

Harm Reduction Info

Harm Reduction is a theory, practice, and movement for social justice! Learn all about Harm Reduction's principles, history, and more by visiting the National Harm Reduction Coalition's website here